例如,具利他人格特質(啊,就是一切都替別人想的人,根本就是在說我嘛)就會偏愛收看「Rachael Ray」的烹飪節目或是總會有快樂圓滿結局的實境秀「黃金單身漢」。這一點倒是說得很對,每每看著Rachael Ray的烹飪就會想著待會兒煮給家人吃,想著他們快樂滿足的臉龐,這倒是點中「利他」的人格特質。
而另外一個我喜歡收看的節目「Dance with the Stars」卻有了令人意外的研究結果,原來會收看這個節目的人都屬於「傳統份子」,所謂的傳統份子就是指偏好穩定以及可信賴的事物與生活。符合這種人格特質的產品為Kraft食品系列、克萊斯勒Town & Country車款,而另一群喜愛收看這個節目的人是屬於好相處型,也就是為了能夠跟別人好好相處,他們容易屈就,他們也容易原諒別人並且遺忘。最適合他們的產品是FiberOne和別克的Ragel車款,相對而言,Mountain Dew汽水以及雪佛蘭的Silverado車款則完全不能引起這群人的注意,可千萬別浪費錢買這個節目的廣告時段!
如果,一般性的產品能夠從電視節目中獲取這樣詳細的收視群分類,那麼品牌特色更為有型的服飾品牌是不是也能從中找到它們的收視族群,例如喜歡穿頗具實驗精神的cop-copine是不是就會看Mad MAN(廣告狂人),喜歡走時尚保守風的夏姿是不是就喜歡看Dance with the Stars(與巨星共舞)?拿Cop-Copine跟貴好幾十倍的夏姿來比似乎有一點差距?!不過,相信穿這二款服裝的消費者一定不會是跟同一個電視節目的吧!
Research Links Personality Traits to Consumers' Viewing Habits, Helps Marketers Match Brands With Audiences
YORK, Pa. (AdAge.com) -- Whether you choose to watch "Brothers & Sisters" or "Mad Men" at 10 p.m. on Sunday says a lot about you.
According to psychographic ad targeter Mindset Media, the TV shows you watch can offer marketers key insights into your personality. For instance, very modest people are more likely to watch the blue-collar hero show "Deadliest Catch" while altruistic people tend to prefer cooking shows like "Rachael Ray" and reality shows with happy endings like "The Bachelor."
"Your personality determines what you consume, what TV shows you watch, what products you buy, and all the other decisions you make -- political choices, for example," said Mindset Media CEO Jim Meyer. "We didn't invent psychographics or personality traits -- they are really the things that separate buyer groups where demographics fail."
BMW, Audi and Mercedes buyers, for instance, are a fairly homogeneous demographic group; however, each car appeals to a different type of personality, he said. That's where psychographics come in.
To find out which personalities are attracted to which TV shows, Mindset Media recently analyzed self-reported data from about 25,000 TV viewers across more than 70 TV shows. What they found were common personality traits among many of the shows' audiences of people who answered that they regularly tune in. Only a few mainstream shows like "House" and "Bones" didn't have any single personality that stood out statistically either because the audiences are so broad, or the fact that personality isn't a driver of viewership.
Mindset began the research at the request of marketers who already use their data online to target customers by psychographics or personality mindset online. However, the marketers wanted to know if they could apply the principles of online psychographic media buying to offline media like TV.
Mindset will make the current data available to its clients, but also plans to take an ongoing look at consumers' TV personalities, updating the TV data quarterly and expanding it to include a wider range of shows.
They shared data with Ad Age from seven shows that are on many media buyers' short lists already. Mindset detailed not only what common personality traits they claim each show is more likely to attract, but offered a sample of advertisers that it believes are more likely, or less likely, to appeal to people with those personalities.
(A caveat: Yes, we know and agree that many humble people adore "The Office" and plenty of agenda-following realists love "Mad Men." The study, and story, are about statistical group tendencies; that is, the increased likelihood that a group of people who watch a particular show will tend to have one or more similar personality traits. It is not saying that every individual watcher of "Glee" is open-minded and longs to buy a Volkswagen.
'Mad Men'
Creative people are 41% more likely to watch "Mad Men" than less creative people. While that certainly could apply in the marketing world to the typical "agency guy," creative people are also emotionally sensitive and intellectually curious types who tend to more often be dreamers rather than realists. Advertisers with strong appeal for them include Apple and Audi A6, while Microsoft and GMC Sierra would be less likely to grab their interest. "Mad Men" watchers are also more likely to be liberal. Liberals, in fact, are a whopping 124% more likely to watch the ad drama than other people. Social liberals, as defined by Mindset, disdain moral authorities and believe children should be exposed to moral dilemmas and allowed to draw their own conclusions. These people prefer brands such as Blue Moon and American Express, while they would likely not be as interested in Campbell's soup or a Cadillac Escalade.
'Dancing with the Stars'
For all the glitter and celeb-gawking on the reality dance show, it is traditional personalities who tune in. Traditionalists are 21% more likely to watch "DWTS." Traditionalists are the opposite of the experiential Gleeks, and instead prefer stability and the tried and true. They respect authority and generally have their feet firmly grounded. Advertisers who would appeal to these solid citizens include Kraft and Chrysler Town & Country, while Kashi and Toyota Prius have a much harder sell. "Dancing" fans also tend to be compliant. The get-alongs, as Mindset refers to them, are 16% more likely to watch the show. These personalities tend to defer to others in an effort to get along and are quick to smooth ruffled feathers in an argument. They don't like aggressive behavior and are usually quick to forgive and forget. Brands that connect with them include Fiber One and Buick Regal, while those that wouldn't be as interesting include Mountain Dew and Chevy Silverado.
'The Biggest Loser'
People with personalities that fall low on the creativity scale tend to watch this dramatic weight-loss show. Realists are 20% more likely to watch. They are pragmatic people who live in the present and work with what they have been given. They are emotionally stable and less prone to highs-and-lows drama. Advertisers that would be a good buy include Bud Light and Cadillac CTS. Newman's Own and Nissan Leaf are brands that would likely be a less successful buy. Less open people, the traditionalists that also gravitate to "DWTS," are 24% more likely to watch "The Biggest Loser." These tried-and-true types prefer brands Velveeta and Honda Odyssey, while Cascadian Farm organics and Honda Civic aren't their cup of tea.
'Real Housewives of Orange County'
Mr. Meyer described this as a "very advertiser friendly" show, and while one could see the potential for certain glam brands, the kind of personality the viewers of the show is pugnacious. Pugnacious people are 33% more likely to watch the show. These "antagonists" are unafraid to tell others what they think and value honesty over keeping the peace. Brands that resonate with them are Botox and Apple, while those that don't include Buick Lucerne and Honda Odyssey. Leaders are another type of personality that gravitate to this show. Leaders are 25% more likely to watch. They are willing to take charge, of course, with a plethora of ideas and strong vision, and they deal with others inclusively, but decisively. Leaders prefer brands such as Nike and Crest Whitestrips, Maxwell House and Hyndai Accent not so much.
Gleeks tend to be very open. So-called experientialists are 24% more likely to watch the teen singing drama, and in fact, some of their characteristics track with the "Glee" personas themselves. They are open people who believe that imagination and intellectual pursuits contribute to a good life, and go out in search of unique and varied experiences. They are in touch with their own feelings and may even feel happiness or sadness more intensely than others. Brands that connect with them include Evian and Volkswagen Jetta, while Quaker cereals and Chevy Silverado hold little appeal. "Glee," like "Mad Men," also attracts a creative audience, although not as strong. Creative people are 17% more likely to watch "Glee" than less creative people.